
Ahmad Iqbal

Ahmad Iqbal has worked in the corporate, development, and government sectors.

In 2017, he was elected Chairman of District Council Narowal, serving 1.7 million residents. Ahmad authored the Punjab Local Government Act 2022, which empowers local governments in Pakistan’s largest province. As District Council Chairman, he co-chaired the LG Reform & Empowerment Committee, which implemented the 2013 Punjab Local Government Act. Ahmad was a member of the Punjab Finance Commission’s Technical Committee, which devised the intergovernmental fiscal transfer formula. He also devised and implemented the first rural waste management and sanitation programme for Punjab’s 70 million rural residents. As District Council Chairman, he implemented community participation programmes in public health, sports, and climate change.

Ahmad advised the World Bank on urban competitiveness, urban transit, and climate finance. He was responsible for financial due diligence, deal structuring, and carbon pricing for the World Bank’s Carbon Initiative for Development (Ci-Dev). In urban transport, he oversaw design, implementation, and procurement for Chittagong, Bangladesh’s Urban Transport Master Plan and Public Transport Restructuring Study. He also developed case studies on Cairo traffic congestion and New Delhi urban transport planning with Harvard professor José A. Gómez-Ibáez as part of a major capacity-building initiative for senior policymakers in developing countries. Ahmad led a World Resources Institute (WRI) research programme on tracking capital investment flows in transport infrastructure and comparing global transport infrastructure investment needs in a low carbon future. Ahmad was part of the World Bank-IFC team that created the Pakistan Competitive Cities Index (PCCI), the first ranking of Pakistani cities based on competitiveness and quality of life.

In 2016, he worked as the Head of Feasibilities for the $100 billion King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC) project in Saudi Arabia. He developed a long-term IRR model for the city’s development by simulating various land use scenarios.

From 2007 to 2012, he worked with KASB-BofA Merrill Lynch Investment Banking Pakistan & Aequitas Pakistan on $1.5 billion in M&A and capital market deals. Ahmad has a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the Lahore School of Economics (Pakistan) and a Master of Public Administration from the Fels Institute of Government at the University of Pennsylvania (USA), where he received the Institutional Service Award for his contributions to student life.

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